Tips for final days of preparing for an exhibition

Fuchsia Acrylic on Canvas 4 x 4"

Fuchsia Acrylic on Canvas 4 x 4″

For hanging

1. Layout out your paintings on the floor to decide where each painting should go. Draw out and or photograph this arrangement to make a plan for hanging your paintings on the wall.

2. Have at least 3 people to hang the paintings. One for overseeing the whole process, giving feedback as to what looks well and what should be moved up or down or placed elsewhere. Two people for the physical act of hanging. Many hands make light work.

For the catalogue

It helps to have already typed up a mock catalogue before the final days before a show; bring this along to the hanging day, and when the hanging is done, take photos as well as taking any remaining notes of each painting’s title, medium, artist, and price. You can then list and number each painting in the catalogue according to the order the spectator will see them as they enter and walk around the gallery.

Last minute unforeseen printing jobs

Always ensure you have a fully functioning colour printer or easy access to one, so that any further  posters, invites, signs can be printed out quickly and easily on the spot. This saves time and panic when you are just short of at most a few posters/invites/signs.

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